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更新于 : Sep 27, 2023
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Sep 2023
Trial ?

Dart 是由 Google 开发的编程语言,支持构建跨平台的应用程序,包括 Web 浏览器、WebAssembly、桌面和移动应用。它的采纳是由 Flutter 的主导地位推动的。在跨平台原生移动应用框架领域,Flutter 是一个流行的、使用 Dart 作为其核心语言的跨平台 UI 工具包。根据社区的反馈,Dart 从最初的版本开始不断演进,除了具备健壮的类型系统,还在3.0版本中添加了内置的 sound null safety。此外,Dart 的生态系统正在快速发展,拥有活跃的社区、丰富的可用库和工具,这使其对开发者非常具有吸引力。

Oct 2012
Hold ?
Dart is Google’s attempt at creating a programming language to replace JavaScript due to JavaScript’s perceived flaws and inherent performance issues. Dart, in line with previous Google languages, provides Java-like syntax and semantics that are intended to be more appealing than JavaScript’s prototype-based nature. Reception within the browser-development community has been understandably cool and it remains to be seen if the language will become more widely accepted, though Chrome’s continued rise and the search for alternatives like CoffeeScript may yet shift that balance.
Mar 2012
Hold ?
发布于 : Mar 16, 2012

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