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Apache Kafka

更新于 : Nov 07, 2016
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Nov 2016
Trial ?

Many organizations are now looking closely at new data architectures that capture information as immutable sequences of events at scale. Apache Kafka continues to build momentum as an open source messaging framework that provides a solution for publishing ordered event feeds to large numbers of independent, lightweight consumers. Configuring Kafka is nontrivial, but our teams are reporting positive experiences with the framework.

Apr 2016
Trial ?
Nov 2015
Assess ?

Many recent developments in enterprise software revolve around asynchronous sequences of immutable event sequences as opposed to synchronous, point-to-point requests that modify state. Apache Kafka is an open-source messaging framework that supports this architectural style by publishing ordered message feeds to many independent, lightweight consumers. Kafka’s unique design allows the number of consumers to scale while maintaining strong ordering on the messages.

May 2015
Assess ?
发布于 : May 05, 2015

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