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更新于 : Oct 28, 2020
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Oct 2020
Trial ?

要实现可持续跨多环境构建和部署生产软件的持续交付流水线,需要一种将构建流水线和工件视为一等公民的工具。当我们初次接触 Concourse 时,就喜欢上了它简单灵活的模型,基于容器的构建原理以及它迫使你定义 流水线即代码的事实。自那以后,Concourse 的可用性得到了改善,其简单的模型也经受住了时间的考验。我们的许多团队以及客户已经成功地将 Concourse 长时间用于大型流水线设置中。我们还经常借助 Concourse 的灵活性在例如硬件集成测试需要本地设置这种情况下随地工作。

Apr 2016
Assess ?

Many development teams are making the move from simple continuous integration servers to Continuous Delivery pipelines, often spanning multiple environments, reaching into production. To implement such a pipeline successfully and operate it in a sustainable way requires a CI/CD tool that treats build pipelines and artifacts as first-class citizens; and unfortunately there aren’t many. Concourse CI is a promising new entrant in this field, and our teams that have tried it are excited about its setup, which enables builds that run in containers, has a clean, usable UI and discourages snowflake build servers.

Nov 2015
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发布于 : Nov 10, 2015

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