Keptn is a control plane for delivery and operations that relies on CloudEvents for instrumentation. Like one of the techniques we mentioned in observability for CI/CD pipelines, Keptn visualizes its orchestration as traces. The declarative definition of the delivery pipeline aims to separate SRE intentions from the underlying implementation, relying on other observability, pipeline and deployment tooling to respond to the appropriate events. We're particularly excited by the idea of adding service-level objective (SLO) verifications as architectural fitness functions to CI/CD pipelines: Keptn lets you define service-level indicators (SLIs) as key-value pairs, with the value representing the query to your observability infrastructure. It will then evaluate the result against the defined SLOs as a quality gate. Keptn takes the same approach to automated operations, allowing a declarative definition that specifies the intent of scaling a ReplicaSet in response to a degradation of average response time, for example. Created by Dynatrace, Keptn also integrates with Prometheus and Datadog.