Android-x86 is a port of the Android open source project to x86 platforms. The project started by hosting various patches from the community for x86 support but then later created its own codebase to provide support for different x86 platforms. We have seen significant time savings by utilizing Android-x86 in our CI servers instead of emulators for hermetic UI testing. However, for UI-specific tests targeting a particular device resolution—simulating low memory, bandwidth and battery—it is better to stick with emulators.
Android-x86 is a port of the Android open source project to x86 platforms. The project started by hosting various patches from the community for x86 support but then later created its own codebase to provide support for different x86 platforms. We have seen significant time savings by utilizing Android-x86 in our CI servers instead of emulators for hermetic UI testing. However, for UI-specific tests targeting a particular device resolution—simulating low memory, bandwidth and battery—it is better to stick with emulators.