Rae Abileah
Strategy Consultant, TroublemakerI am a social change strategist, writer, educator, and advocate for collective liberation and economic justice.
As a project manager and an environmental justice activist, I co-organized the Climate Ribbon arts ritual, which launched at the 2014 People's Climate March in New York City and was a central installation at events surrounding the 2015 UN Climate Summit.
I'm a contributing editor and trainer for Beautiful Trouble, a book, web toolbox and international network of artist-activist trainers whose mission is to make grassroots movements more creative and more effective.
For over a decade, as the co-director and national organizer of CODEPINK Women for Peace, I ignited campaigns to counter war and increased militarism, and amplify peace-building alternatives.
Whether serving on a board, facilitating a training, or standing up with social movements, I'm curious and passionate about finding ways to disrupt structures of inequality and make freedom contagious.
I consult with Thoughtworks on building strategy tools for technology engagement with social justice causes.
I received a dual degree in Environmental Science and Human Rights from Barnard College at Columbia University.
I'm based in San Francisco and probably coming to a city near you soon.