The GraphQL ecosystem and community keep growing. Hot Chocolate is a GraphQL server for .NET (Core and Classic). It lets you build and host schemas and then serve queries against them using the same base components of GraphQL — data loader, resolver, schema, operations and types. The team behind Hot Chocolate has recently added schema stitching, which allows for a single entry point to query across multiple schemas aggregated from different locations. Despite the potential to misuse this approach, our teams are happy with Hot Chocolate — it’s well documented, and we're able to deliver value quickly to our clients.
The GraphQL ecosystem and community keep growing. Hot Chocolate is a GraphQL server for .NET (core and classic). It lets you build and host schemas and then serve queries against them. The team behind Hot Chocolate has recently added schema stitching which allows for a single entry point to query across multiple schemas aggregated from different locations. Although there are plenty of ways to misuse this approach, it's worth assessing whether to add it to your toolkit.