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Illustrated image of hand writing in a paper

A day in the life of a demand
professional at Thoughtworks

Portrait of Laura Pace

Philip J. Everett

Pronouns: He/Him
Role/Title: Business Development Manager
Office Location: Dallas, TX
Home Location: Dallas, TX

Describe your work as a Business Development Manager in one or two words:

What does a Business Development Manager actually do?

We are the gatekeepers to the greatest minds in IT. We are one of the most challenging organizations for technologists to get a job at, and as a Business Development Manager, we hold the keys. Our role as a “gatekeeper” is to make sure we bring Thoughtworkers into innovative and disruptive projects that allow them to make an extraordinary impact. 

We are educators, strategists, problem solvers and leaders. These are a few of the many hats we wear as Business Development Managers and a big part of our role is knowing when to change them. We are the connecting link between demand (sales), marketing, delivery, finance and legal. At the end of the day, it is our responsibility to wear the right hat and pair it with the right team to show our clients the value we can deliver for them. 

What does your typical day look like? 

Every morning starts with a two-mile run at 6:00 am. Although I hate running it is the quickest way to wake up and get the day going. 

A typical day is hard to come by at Thoughtworks. Depending on my pipeline, the day might be filled with calls, researching or prospecting; however, usually, it is a mix of all three. I start off by spending roughly 30 minutes reviewing notes, reading the news and planning for the day. In a way, a Business Development Manager is also a project manager. So we need to make sure we have all the right resources and information to make our team successful. For example, if we are presenting for a client whose CEO just left we should be the first to know about it.

What’s the most challenging part of your job?

If it were easy it wouldn’t be worth it. 

At Thoughtworks we are known for being a diverse organization filled with brilliant minds. This immense amount of diverse talent comes with many opinions, ideas, suggestions and advice. As Business Development Managers we manage these and decide on what is best for the client and our business. 

What makes a good Business Development Manager? 

A positive attitude, student mentality & work ethic. 

To excel in any position, you need a positive attitude, a willingness to learn and an unstoppable drive — everything else you can pick up along the way.

I love being a Business Development Manager at Thoughtworks because…

The people, culture and well… it’s Thoughtworks! 


Thoughtworks is the hidden gem of consulting firms that many business executives are unfamiliar with. My role at Thoughtworks is to educate technology and business leaders on why choosing Thoughtworks as a partner is simple. 



  • We are the firm that incubated the inventors of Agile, DevOps, Microservices and DataMesh 

  • We breed revolutionary tech and technologists 

  • We create things that don’t exist and have not been thought of to give our clients a competitive advantage in this new digital era 

  • We are the pioneers of digital transformation


I love being a Business Development Manager because we are at the forefront of change. Solutioning, problem-solving and offering organizations a new way to thrive as a modern digital business. 

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