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Infrastructure as product

Infrastructure as product

Commoditizing the cloud through platform engineering

Not too long ago, cloud infrastructure was being universally praised for its incredible simplicity and manageability. For companies and teams burdened by complex on-premise infrastructure, it presented a scalable, intuitive, and cost-effective alternative that promised to transform how we approach IT infrastructure as a whole.


But, as offerings from the major public cloud providers have grown and become more sophisticated, that simplicity has fallen by the wayside. Today, cloud infrastructure service portfolios are large, increasingly complex, and harder than ever for engineering teams to keep pace with.


This e-book provides insights into reviewing your cloud infrastructure, challenging traditional engineering approaches, plus ways to accelerate your internal developer teams.

About the author

Max Griffiths, Principal Infrastructure Consultant, Thoughtworks UK

Max is a leader of Infrastructure and Platform Engineering for Thoughtworks UK. In 16+ years he’s worked across almost every industry sector which has provided both breadth and depth of experience in solving problems in various contexts. The key constant has been a focus where technology meets the business, helping modernize and drive value through a combination of engineering, product leadership, and continuous delivery practices. Max started as a shell scripter in the early 2000s, fulfilling an urge to automate everything. Since then, he’s been a Java developer, infrastructure developer, business analyst, project manager, a Platform Engineering SME, and enjoys the people and technology challenges alike.