As software continues to grow in complexity, the threat vector of software dependencies becomes increasingly challenging to guard against. Supply chain Levels for Software Artifacts, or SLSA (pronounced "salsa"), is a consortium-curated set of guidance for organizations to protect against supply chain attacks, evolved from internal guidance Google has been using for years. We appreciate that SLSA doesn't promise a "silver bullet," tools-only approach to securing the supply chain, but it does provide a checklist of concrete threats and practices along a maturity model. The threat model is easy to follow with real-world examples of attacks, and the requirements provide guidance to help organizations prioritize actions based on levels of increasing robustness to improve their supply chain security posture. Since we first mentioned it in the Radar, SLSA has added more detail around software attestations with examples to track concerns like build provenance. Our teams have found SLSA to strike a nice balance between implementation guidance and higher-level awareness around supply chain threats.
As software continues to grow in complexity, the threat vector of software dependencies becomes increasingly challenging to guard against. The recent Log4J vulnerability showed how difficult it can be to even know those dependencies — many companies who didn't use Log4J directly were unknowingly vulnerable simply because other software in their ecosystem relied on it. Supply chain Levels for Software Artifacts, or SLSA (pronounced "salsa"), is a consortium-curated set of guidance for organizations to protect against supply chain attacks, evolved from internal guidance Google has been using for years. We appreciate that SLSA doesn't promise a "silver bullet," tools-only approach to securing the supply chain but instead provides a checklist of concrete threats and practices along a maturity model. The threat model is easy to follow with real-world examples of attacks, and the requirements provide guidance to help organizations prioritize actions based on levels of increasing robustness to improve their supply chain security posture. We think SLSA provides applicable advice and look forward to more organizations learning from it.