Joshua Sigel
Technology LeaderA recognised strategic and transformational technology leader, and entrepreneur through his hands-on executive leadership innovative approach to business process enablement, and his focus and passion for enhancing customer experience through technology.
Over the past 12 years Josh has held senior technology leadership positions within the retail and consumer products distribution industries. Prior to starting his own consulting firm, Josh was the CIO of Natural Markets Food Group, an operator of retail food and food service stores throughout North America where Josh led the development of one of the most advanced mobile payment, loyalty, in-store kiosk, and online ordering systems in retail food and food service.
Joshua Sigel 在零售和快消品行业拥有12年的资深技术领导经验。在担任北美最大的有机食品超市连锁之一:Natural Markets Food Group的CIO期间,Josh主导了40个不同地区零售门店的转型,推动了在移动支付、顾客忠诚度以及在线下单系统等多层面的技术革新。