Tao YU
Solution Architect, ThoughtworksStrong architecture, solution and technology competency with 14 years of various industries experiences. Demonstrated ability to be a trusted advisor in telematics & healthcare industry. Prior to joining Thoughtworks, Tao Worked for Microsoft as Enterprise Architect, actively engaged in Microsoft GCR Services strategic initiatives both in Auto/Healthcare industry and CityNext (Microsoft SmartCity program) with rich industry insights in Telematics,TeleHealth, Smart City, Azure cloud and Enterprise Social. Creative and strategic thinking. Passion for innovation. The author of book .
丰富的智能交通、车联网、移动医疗及互联网金融领域经验。加入Thoughtworks之前,负责微软中国“未来城市”(CityNext)计划的健康云平台、IoT物联网解决方案,以及移动医疗、可穿戴设备、车联网等新兴解决方案的合作和落地。Qoros Qloud (观致汽车-观致逸云) 架构师 – 国内第一个基于Microsft Azure公有云的Telematics车联网项目。《Kinect应用开发实战:用最自然的方式与机器对话》一书作者。