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更新于 : May 05, 2015
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May 2015
评估 ?

In the crowded space of JavaScript frameworks, we want to highlight Flight.js as a lightweight framework to build components. Flight gets by without much magic when adding behavior to DOM nodes. Its event-driven and component-based nature promotes writing decoupled code. This makes testing individual components comparatively easy. Care must be taken, however, when components need to interact with each other. There is little support for testing and a real danger to get into event hell. We do like that it uses functional mixins for behavior, like composition instead of inheritance.

Jan 2015
评估 ?

In the crowded space of JavaScript frameworks, we want to highlight Flight.js as an alternative to consider. Flight is extremely lightweight and gets by without much magic when adding behavior to DOM nodes. Its event-driven and component-based nature promotes writing decoupled code. This makes testing individual components comparatively easy. Care must be taken, however, when components need to interact with each other.  There is little support for testing and a real danger to get into event hell. We do like that it uses functional mixins for behaviour, like composition instead of inheritance.

发布于 : Jan 28, 2015

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