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更新于 : Jan 28, 2015
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Jan 2015
Adopt ?

The Go language gradually changed status from "Just Another Language" to a valuable tool in many projects. While steadfastly single paradigm in a world of increasingly complex languages, it seems to keep a nice balance between expressiveness, power, and simplicity.

Jul 2014
Adopt ?
The Go language gradually changed status from "Just Another Language" to a valuable tool in many projects. While steadfastly single paradigm in a world of increasingly complex languages, it seems to keep a nice balance between expressiveness, power, and simplicity.
Jan 2014
Trial ?
The Go language was originally developed by Google as a system programming language to replace C & C++. Four years out, Go is gaining traction in other areas. The combination of very small, statically linked binaries combined with an excellent HTTP library means Go has been popular with organizations making use of finer-grained, microservice architectures.
发布于 : Jan 28, 2014

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