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HTML5 for offline applications

更新于 : May 22, 2013
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May 2013
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There is a tendency to equate the need for offline functionality with the need to build an app. Despite the slow standardization process, most HTML5 features have now been implemented across all major browsers. Its local storage capabilities, comprehensively supported across mobile and tablet browsers - makes HTML5 for offline applications a very suitable option.
Oct 2012
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Mar 2012
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HTML5 includes features that allow control and storage of offline data within the browser using client side JavaScript. These features allows creation of offline mobile web applications in a cross platform way that would have previously required installed applications. For instance an application that can download articles for reading later or a data capture application that can work offline and upload when you are online. While the standard is not finalized yet, support for these offline features is available and ready for use in the WebKit based browsers found on iOS, Android and newer Blackberry phones.
Jul 2011
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发布于 : Jul 30, 2011

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