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Hyperledger Composer

发布于 : May 15, 2018
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May 2018
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The Hyperledger project has grown into a broader collaboration and now contains a series of subprojects. It supports Blockchain implementations for different purposes; for example, Burrow is dedicated to build a permissioned Ethereum and Indy is more focused on digital identity. Among these platforms, Fabric is the most mature one. Most of time when people talk about adopting Hyperledger they are actually thinking about Hyperledger Fabric. However, the programming abstraction of chaincode is relatively low level given it manipulates the state of the ledger directly. Moreover, it always takes a lot of time to set up infrastructure before writing the first line of blockchain code. Hyperledger Composer, which builds on top of Fabric, accelerates the process of turning ideas into software. Composer provides DSLs to model business assets, define access control and build a business network. By using Composer you could quickly validate your idea through a browser without setting up any infrastructure. Just remember that the Composer itself isn't Blockchain — you still need to deploy it on Fabric.

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