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更新于 : Nov 30, 2017
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Nov 2017
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Instana is yet another entrant into the crowded application performance management space. The fact that it's built from the ground up for cloud native architectures differentiates Instana from many of its competitors. Features include dynamic discovery, distributed tracing and service health plus the ability to "time shift" your view of your infrastructure to the moment an incident occurred. It remains to be seen whether this product can gain traction over the combination of open source projects—such as Consul, Prometheus and the implementations of OpenTracing—that do the same thing; however it's worth taking a look if you need an out-of-the-box solution.

Mar 2017
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Instana is yet another entrant into the crowded application performance management space. The fact that it's built from the ground up for cloud native architectures differentiates Instana from many of its competitors. Features include dynamic discovery, distributed tracing and service health plus the ability to "time shift" your view of your infrastructure to the moment an incident occurred. It remains to be seen whether this product can gain traction over the combination of open source projects—such as Consul, Prometheus and the implementations of OpenTracing—that do the same thing; however it's worth taking a look if you need an out-of-the-box solution.

发布于 : Mar 29, 2017

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