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更新于 : May 19, 2020
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May 2020
Trial ?

基于认为测试是唯一真正重要的 API 规范的经验,我们一直在寻找对测试有帮助的新工具。Karate 是一种 API 测试框架,其独特之处在于它不依赖通用编程语言,而直接使用基于 Gherkin 的语法编写测试。 Karate 使用一种领域特定语言,来描述基于HTTP的API测试。我们的团队喜欢 Karate 为 API 规范带来的易读性,并建议将其应用于测试金字塔的较高层次,而非过量应用在细节的断言中。

Apr 2019
Assess ?

Given our experience that tests are the only API specifications that really matter, we're always on the lookout for new tools that might help. Karate is an API testing framework whose unique feature is that tests are written directly in Gherkin without relying on a general-purpose programming language to implement test behavior. Karate is really a domain-specific language for describing HTTP-based API tests. Although this approach is interesting and makes for some very readable specifications for simple tests, the special-purpose language for matching and validating payloads can become quite syntax-heavy and difficult to understand. It remains to be seen if more complex tests written in this style will be readable and maintainable over the long haul.

发布于 : Apr 24, 2019

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