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更新于 : Apr 24, 2019
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Apr 2019
试验 ?

Kotlin has demonstrated its value beyond mobile app development. When building microservices and shipping software to production, our teams have had good experiences with Ktor. Ktor is a framework that, unlike other web frameworks that support Kotlin, is written in Kotlin, using language features such as coroutines which allow for an asynchronous nonblocking implementation. The flexibility to incorporate different tools for logging, DI or a template engine — in addition to its lightweight architecture — makes Ktor an interesting option for creating RESTful services.

Nov 2018
评估 ?

Kotlin is no longer just a great fit for mobile app development. New tools and frameworks have emerged that demonstrate the value of the language for web application development as well. Ktor is one such framework. In contrast to other web frameworks that support Kotlin, Ktor is written in Kotlin, using language features such as coroutines which allows for an asynchronous non-blocking implementation. The flexibility to incorporate different tools for logging, DI or a templates engine—in addition to its lightweight architecture—makes Ktor an interesting option for our teams for creating RESTful services.

发布于 : Nov 14, 2018

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