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更新于 : Nov 20, 2019
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Nov 2019
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Apr 2019
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Micronaut is a new JVM framework for building microservices using Java, Kotlin or Groovy. It distinguishes itself through a small memory footprint and short startup time. It achieves these improvements by avoiding runtime reflection for DI and proxy generation, a common shortcoming of traditional frameworks, and instead uses a DI/AOP container which performs dependency injection at compile time. This makes it attractive not just for standard server-side microservices but also in the context of, for example, the Internet of Things, Android applications and serverless functions. Micronaut uses Netty and has first-class support for reactive programming. It also includes many features that make it cloud-native friendly such as service discovery and circuit breaking. Micronaut is a very promising entrant to the full stack framework for the JVM space and we're keenly watching it.

发布于 : Apr 24, 2019

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