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更新于 : Nov 30, 2017
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Nov 2017
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PostCSS is a Node.js-based JavaScript framework for operating on an abstract syntax tree-based representation of CSS documents with a rich ecosystem of plugins. Often incorrectly thought of as a preprocessor (such as SASS or Less), we find that the real power of PostCSS comes from the number of things that can be done with the rich set of plugins which includes linting (the stylelint plugin), cross-compilation (the sugarss plugin), name-mangling to avoid selector collision (the modules plugin), boilerplate CSS code generation (the autoprefixer plugin), minification and many others. The different maturity levels of the plugins notwithstanding, PostCSS itself remains a simple and powerful framework for treating CSS like a full-fledged language for front-end development.

Mar 2017
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PostCSS is a Node.js-based JavaScript framework for operating on an abstract syntax tree-based representation of CSS documents with a rich ecosystem of plugins. Often incorrectly thought of as a preprocessor (such as SASS or Less), we find that the real power of PostCSS comes from the number of things that can be done with the rich set of plugins which includes linting (the stylelint plugin), cross-compilation (the sugarss plugin), name-mangling to avoid selector collision (the modules plugin), boilerplate CSS code generation (the autoprefixer plugin), minification and many others. The different maturity levels of the plugins notwithstanding, PostCSS itself remains a simple and powerful framework for treating CSS like a full-fledged language for front-end development.

发布于 : Mar 29, 2017

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