我们第一次提到 Three.js 是2017年,在雷达的“评估”环上。在这之后,这个 web 3D 渲染库得到了快速的改进和发展。随着 WebGL API 标准的改进,以及对 WebXR 的支持,Three.js成为了一个可以用来营造沉浸式体验的工具。与此同时,浏览器对 3D 渲染和 WebXR 设备 API 的支持也得到提升,使得 web 成为一个越来越有吸引力的 3D 内容平台。尽管还有别的 3D 渲染库,我们团队还是更喜欢 Three.js,特别是和 React Three Fiber 一起用的时候,能抽象掉一些底层细节。不过,开发者仍然需要注意性能问题,有时还需要重构数据来优化渲染速度。
Despite the fervor surrounding the spate of new headsets, we believe there are many VR and AR scenarios that make sense in the browser, particularly on mobile. Given this trend, we have seen an uptick in usage of Three.js, a powerful JavaScript visualization and 3D rendering framework. The growth in support for WebGL, which it is based on, has helped adoption, as has the vibrant community supporting this open source project.
Despite the fervor surrounding the spate of new headsets, we believe there are many VR and AR scenarios that make sense in the browser, particularly on mobile. Given this trend, we have seen an uptick in usage of Three.js, a powerful JavaScript visualization and 3D rendering framework. The growth in support for WebGL, which it is based on, has helped adoption, as has the vibrant community supporting this open source project.