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AWS Device Farm

更新于 : Nov 30, 2017
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Nov 2017
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The huge number of mobile devices makes it almost impossible for companies to test their mobile apps on all of them. Enter AWS Device Farm, an app-testing service that enables you to run and interact with your Android, iOS and web apps on a wide variety of physical devices that are hosted in the cloud simultaneously. Detailed logs, performance graphs and screenshots are generated during each run to provide general and device-specific feedback. The service offers a lot of flexibility by allowing the state and configuration of each device to be altered in order to reproduce very specific test scenarios. Our teams are using AWS Device Farm to run end-to-end tests on devices with the largest install base for their apps.

Mar 2017
试验 ?

The huge number of mobile devices makes it almost impossible for companies to test their mobile apps on all of them. Enter AWS Device Farm, an app-testing service that enables you to run and interact with your Android, iOS and web apps on a wide variety of physical devices that are hosted in the cloud simultaneously. Detailed logs, performance graphs and screenshots are generated during each run to provide general and device-specific feedback. The service offers a lot of flexibility by allowing the state and configuration of each device to be altered in order to reproduce very specific test scenarios. Our teams are using AWS Device Farm to run end-to-end tests on devices with the largest install base for their apps.

发布于 : Mar 29, 2017

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