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更新于 : Mar 29, 2022
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Mar 2022
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我们的许多团队选择 CircleCI 来满足他们的持续集成需求,他们很欣赏它高效运行复杂流水线的能力。CircleCI 的开发人员在持续增加 CircleCI 的新功能,现在是3.0版本。我们的团队认为其中 Orbsexecutors 非常有用。Orbs 是可重复使用的代码片段,可用来自动化重复的流程,进而加快项目的配置,并使其易于与第三方工具集成。多种多样的 executor 为在 Docker、Linux、macOS 或 Windows 虚拟机中配置作业提供了灵活性。

May 2018
试验 ?

CircleCI is a continuous integration engine offered as SaaS and on premise. CircleCI has been the go-to SaaS CI tool for many of our development teams, who needed a low-friction and easy-to-setup build and deployment pipeline. CircleCI version 2.0 supports workflows of build jobs, with fan-in and fan-out flows and manual gates, as well as mobile development. It allows developers to run the pipelines locally and easily integrates with Slack and other notification and alerting systems. We recommend you take a closer look at the security practices of CircleCI, just as you would with any other SaaS product that hosts your company’s assets.

Nov 2017
试验 ?

CircleCI is a continuous integration engine offered as SaaS and on premise. CircleCI has been the go-to SaaS CI tool for many of our development teams, who needed a low-friction and easy-to-setup build and deployment pipeline. CircleCI version 2.0 supports workflows of build jobs, with fan-in and fan-out flows and manual gates, as well as mobile development. It allows developers to run the pipelines locally and easily integrates with Slack and other notification and alerting systems. We recommend you take a closer look at the security practices of CircleCI, just as you would with any other SaaS product that hosts your company’s assets.

发布于 : Nov 30, 2017

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