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更新于 : Apr 03, 2024
Apr 2024
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事件是事件驱动架构或无服务器应用中的常见机制。然而,生产者或云提供商对它们的支持形式却存在很大差异,这阻碍了跨平台和基础设施的互操作性。CloudEvents 是一种规范,用于以通用格式描述事件数据,以实现跨服务、平台和系统的互操作性。它提供了多种语言的 SDK,因此你可以将该规范嵌入到你的应用程序或工具链中。我们的团队不仅将其用于跨云平台,还用于领域事件规范以及其他场景。CloudEvents 由云原生计算基金会 (CNCF) 托管,现已成为一个毕业项目。我们的团队默认使用 CloudEvents 构建事件驱动架构,因此我们正将其移入采纳状态。

Sep 2023
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事件是事件驱动架构或无服务器应用中常见的机制。然而,生产者或云提供商通常以不同形式支持它们,这阻碍跨平台和基础架构的互操作性。CloudEvents 是一个描述事件数据的通用格式的规范,旨在提供服务、平台和系统之间的互操作性。它提供了多种编程语言的 SDK,因此您可以将规范嵌入到应用程序或工具链中。我们的团队不仅将其用于跨云平台的目的,还用于领域事件规范等其他场景。CloudEvents 由云原生计算基金会(CNCF)托管,现在作为孵化项目运行,已经获得了越来越多的行业关注。

Apr 2019
Assess ?

Outside the function code itself, applications written as serverless functions are tightly coupled to the cloud platform on which they're hosted. Although events are a common FaaS-triggering mechanism, and every cloud provider supports them in some form, the current proprietary specifications prevent interoperability across clouds. The CloudEvents specification is a burgeoning standard that has been accepted into the CNCF Sandbox. The standard is still in active development but several language bindings exist and Microsoft has announced first-class support in Azure. We're hoping other cloud providers will follow suit.

发布于 : Apr 24, 2019

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