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更新于 : May 15, 2018
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May 2018
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Cosmos DB is Microsoft's globally distributed, multimodel database service, which became generally available earlier this year. While most modern NoSQL databases offer tunable consistency, Cosmos DB makes it a first-class citizen and offers five different consistency models. It's worth highlighting that it also supports multiple models — key value, document, column family and graph — all of which map to its internal data model, called atom-record-sequence (ARS). One interesting aspect of Cosmos DB is that it offers service level agreements (SLAs) on its latency, throughput, consistency and availability. With its wide range of applicability, it has set a high standard for other cloud vendors to match.

Nov 2017
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Cosmos DB is Microsoft's globally distributed, multimodel database service, which became generally available earlier this year. While most modern NoSQL databases offer tunable consistency, Cosmos DB makes it a first-class citizen and offers five different consistency models. It's worth highlighting that it also supports multiple models — key value, document, column family and graph — all of which map to its internal data model, called atom-record-sequence (ARS). One interesting aspect of Cosmos DB is that it offers service level agreements (SLAs) on its latency, throughput, consistency and availability. With its wide range of applicability, it has set a high standard for other cloud vendors to match.

发布于 : Nov 30, 2017

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