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更新于 : Oct 28, 2020
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Oct 2020
Trial ?

Honeycomb 是一种可观测性服务,它可以从生产系统中提取丰富的数据,并可以通过动态采样对其进行管理。开发人员可以记录大量丰富的事件,然后决定如何对它们进行切片和关联。理性预测生产系统出了哪些问题的时代已经过去,在当今的大型分布式系统中,这种交互式方法非常有用。Honeycomb 团队正在积极开发多种语言和框架的插件,已经支持的有GoNode、Java 和 Rails,其他新功能正在迅速添加。另外,其简化过的定价模型也让它更具吸引力。我们团队喜欢它。

Apr 2019
Assess ?

Honeycomb is an observability tool that ingests rich data from production systems and makes it manageable through dynamic sampling. Developers can log large amounts of rich events and decide later how to slice and correlate them. This interactive approach is useful when working with today's large distributed systems because we've passed the point where we can reasonably anticipate which questions we might want to ask of production systems.

发布于 : Apr 24, 2019

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