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更新于 : Mar 29, 2017
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Mar 2017
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IndiaStack is a set of Open APIs designed with the goal of transforming India from a data-poor to a data-rich country. The stack emphasizes layered innovation by specifying a minimal set of APIs and encourages the rest of the ecosystem to build custom applications on top of these APIs. Aadhaar serves as one of the foundation layers, providing authentication services for more than a billion Indian citizens. In addition, there are services to provide paperless transactions through digital signatures (eSign), unified online payment (UPI) and an electronic consent layer ((e-KYC)[https://uidai.gov.in/ecosystem/authentication-devices-documents/about-aadhaar-paperless-offline-e-kyc.html]) to securely provide Aadhaar details to service providers. We believe in the Open API–driven initiative to bring digital innovation, and the design principles behind IndiaStack could be used as a change agent for other regions/countries.

Nov 2016
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IndiaStack is a set of Open APIs designed with the goal of transforming India from a data-poor to a data-rich country. The stack emphasizes layered innovation by specifying a minimal set of APIs and encourages the rest of the ecosystem to build custom applications on top of these APIs. Aadhaar serves as one of the foundation layers, providing authentication services for more than a billion Indian citizens. In addition, there are services to provide paperless transactions through digital signatures (eSign), unified online payment (UPI) and an electronic consent layer ((e-KYC)[https://uidai.gov.in/ecosystem/authentication-devices-documents/about-aadhaar-paperless-offline-e-kyc.html]) to securely provide Aadhaar details to service providers. We believe in the Open API–driven initiative to bring digital innovation, and the design principles behind IndiaStack could be used as a change agent for other regions/countries.

发布于 : Nov 07, 2016

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