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更新于 : Aug 31, 2010
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Aug 2010
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The iPhone changed the face of the mobile phone. The iPad has the potential to radically alter the way users interact with and consume Web-based resources and applications and will spawn a plethora of similar tablet devices. The addition of wireless application distribution in IOS4 allows organizations to securely host and distribute in-house applications without using the App Store, overcoming one of the main barriers to corporate adoption. IOS4’s introduction of multitasking with applications running in the background has opened up new possibilities for enterprise applications, at the cost of extra battery usage.
Apr 2010
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The iPhone and android operating systems have rapidly become key players in the mobile platform marketplace. Apple’s app store and Google’s open source operating system have helped both companies leapfrog the competition in capturing developer mindshare.
Jan 2010
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发布于 : Jan 11, 2010

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