Mongoose OS依然是我们首选的开源微控制器操作系统和嵌入式固件开发框架。值得关注的是,Mongoose OS为嵌入式开发人员解决了一个明显的问题,即消除了用于原型设计的Arduino固件与裸机微控制器原生SDK之间所存在的冲突。我们的团队已成功将Cesanta的新型端到端设备管理平台mDash,用于一些新的小型硬件项目中。如今,主要的物联网(IoT)云平台供应商,都支持Mongoose OS开发框架,以进行设备管理、连接控制和空中(OTA)固件升级。自从我们上次将Mongoose OS纳入技术雷达以来,意法半导体、德州仪器和乐鑫科技等公司所生产的板卡和微控制器,都开始对其提供了支持。其对OTA固件更新的无缝支持,以及单设备级别的内置安全性,都将继续受到我们的青睐。
With an accelerated growth of connected embedded devices and wider accessibility of hardware, Mongoose OS fills a noticeable gap for embedded software developers: the gap between Arduino firmware suitable for prototyping and bare-metal microcontrollers' native SDKs. Mongoose OS is a microcontroller operating system that comes with a set of libraries and a development framework to support typical Internet of Things (IoT) applications with connectivity to generic MQTT servers and popular IoT cloud platforms such as Google Cloud IoT Core and AWS IoT by default. In fact, Google recommends a Mongoose starter kit for its Cloud IoT Core. We’ve had a seamless experience using Mongoose OS in our embedded projects building connected workspaces. We especially liked its built-in security at the individual device level and OTA firmware updates, among other features. At the time of writing, only a limited number of microcontrollers and boards are supported with more popular ARM-based microcontrollers still under development.