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更新于 : May 15, 2018
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May 2018
评估 ?

We like simple tools that solve one problem really well, and Netlify fits this description nicely. You can create static website content, check it into GitHub and then quickly and easily get your site live and available. There is a CLI available to control the process; content delivery networks (CDNs) are supported; it can work alongside tools such as Grunt; and, most importantly, Netlify supports HTTPS.

Nov 2017
评估 ?

We like simple tools that solve one problem really well, and Netlify fits this description nicely. You can create static website content, check it into GitHub and then quickly and easily get your site live and available. There is a CLI available to control the process; content delivery networks (CDNs) are supported; it can work alongside tools such as Grunt; and, most importantly, Netlify supports HTTPS.

发布于 : Nov 30, 2017

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