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更新于 : Apr 24, 2019
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Apr 2019
Trial ?

HashiCorp continues to release interesting software. We've featured HashiCorp Vault in March 2017, and tools related to Terraform are all over this edition of the Radar. We've moved Nomad to Trial because we've had positive experiences using it. While Kubernetes continues to gain traction, we like Nomad's general applicability. It's not just limited to running containerized workloads but can be used to schedule just about anything. Java and Golang are supported natively as well as batch and distributed cron jobs. We like its focus on multi- and hybrid-cloud operations, something likely to become more important to avoid sticky clouds and the fact that it does scheduling well.

Nov 2016
Assess ?

HashiCorp continues to turn out interesting software. The latest to catch our attention is Nomad, which is competing in the ever-more-populated scheduler arena. Major selling points include not just being limited to containerized workloads, and operating in multi–data center / multiregion deployments.

Apr 2016
Assess ?
发布于 : Apr 05, 2016

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