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Pivotal Cloud Foundry

更新于 : Nov 07, 2016
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Nov 2016
Trial ?

The PaaS space has seen a lot of movement since we last mentioned Cloud Foundry in 2012. While there are various distributions of the open source core, we have been impressed by the offering and ecosystem assembled as Pivotal Cloud Foundry. While we expect continued convergence between the unstructured approach (Docker, Mesos, Kubernetes, etc.) and the more structured and opinionated buildpack style offered by Cloud Foundry and others, we see real benefit for organizations that are willing to accept the constraints and rate of evolution to adopt a PaaS. Of particular interest is the speed of development that comes from the simplification and standardization of the interaction between development teams and platform operations.

Apr 2016
Trial ?
发布于 : Apr 05, 2016

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