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发布于 : Nov 14, 2018
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Nov 2018
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As we've gained more experience with the public cloud across organizations large and small, certain patterns have emerged. One of those patterns is a virtual private cloud network managed at the organizational level and divided into smaller subnets under the control of each delivery team. This is closely related to the idea of multiaccount cloud setup and helps to partition an infrastructure along team bounds. After configuring this setup many times using VPCs, subnets, security groups and NACLs, we really like Google's notion of the shared VPC. Shared VPC makes organizations, projects, VPCs and subnets first-class entities in network configurations. VPCs can be managed by an organization's administrators who can delegate subnet administration to projects. Projects can then be explicitly associated with subnets in the VPC. This simplifies configuration and makes security and access control more transparent.

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