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Superficial private cloud

更新于 : Nov 07, 2016
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Nov 2016
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We've seen the indisputable productivity gains that come from deployment of applications and services into mature cloud providers. Much of that gain comes from the ability of teams to deploy and operate their own services with a high degree of autonomy and responsibility. We are now regularly coming across Superficial Private Cloud offerings within organizations, where basic virtualization platforms are being given the “cloud” label. Often teams can self-provision a restricted set of fixed service types with limited access and little ability to customize the centrally governed “enterprise blueprints,” leading to kludge solutions. Deployment pace regularly remains constrained by manually provisioned infrastructure such as network, firewall and storage. We encourage organizations to more fully consider the costs of mandating the use of an inadequate private cloud offering.

Apr 2016
Hold ?
Nov 2015
Hold ?
发布于 : Nov 10, 2015

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