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Windows Containers

更新于 : May 15, 2018
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May 2018
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Microsoft is catching up in the container space with Windows Containers enabling running Windows applications as containers on Windows-based environments. At the time of writing, Microsoft provides two Windows OS images as Docker containers — Windows Server 2016 Server Core and Windows Server 2016 Nano Server — that can run as a Windows Server Container with Docker. Our teams have started using Windows containers in scenarios where build agents and similar containers have been working successfully. Microsoft is aware that there’s room for improvements such as decreasing the large image sizes and enriching ecosystem support and documentation.

Nov 2017
Assess ?

Microsoft is catching up in the container space with Windows Containers. At the time of writing, Microsoft provides two Windows OS images as Docker containers, Windows Server 2016 Server Core and Windows Server 2016 Nano Server. Although there is room for improvement for Windows Containers, for instance, decreasing the large image sizes, and enriching ecosystem support and documentation, our teams have started using them in scenarios where other containers have been working successfully, such as build agents.

发布于 : Nov 30, 2017

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