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Automate database deployment

更新于 : Mar 16, 2012
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Mar 2012
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If the rate at which business is changing is an indicator of change in requirements, then the days of doing upfront database design are gone. Instead, projects should follow evolutionary database techniques and continue to change their database schemas as new requirements are implemented over the course of the project. Deployment of database changes should also be automated so that the application release that relies on those changes does not have to wait for manual deployment of the database changes. Automated database deployment ensures that application and database changes can be deployed automatically. Evolutionary database and automated database deployments ensure highly productive teams a path to continuous delivery.
Jul 2011
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Jan 2011
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When moving to continuous delivery, deployment of database changes should also be automated so that the application release that relies on those changes does not have to wait for manual deployment of the database changes. Automated database deployment ensures that the full cycle of deploying application and database changes is automated.
发布于 : Jan 31, 2011

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