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Autonomous bubble pattern

更新于 : May 15, 2018
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May 2018
Trial ?

Many organizations we work with are trying hard to use modern engineering approaches to build new capabilities and features, while also having to coexist with a long tail of legacy systems. An old strategy that, based on our experience, has turned out to be increasingly helpful in these scenarios is Eric Evans's Autonomous bubble pattern. This approach involves creating a fresh context for new application development that is shielded from the entanglements of the legacy world. This is a step beyond just using an anticorruption layer. It gives the new bubble context full control over its backing data, which is then asynchronously kept up-to-date with the legacy systems. It requires some work to protect the boundaries of the bubble and keep both worlds consistent, but the resulting autonomy and reduction in development friction is a first bold step toward a modernized future architecture.

Nov 2017
Trial ?

Many organizations we work with are trying hard to use modern engineering approaches to build new capabilities and features, while also having to coexist with a long tail of legacy systems. An old strategy that, based on our experience, has turned out to be increasingly helpful in these scenarios is Eric Evans's Autonomous bubble pattern. This approach involves creating a fresh context for new application development that is shielded from the entanglements of the legacy world. This is a step beyond just using an anticorruption layer. It gives the new bubble context full control over its backing data, which is then asynchronously kept up-to-date with the legacy systems. It requires some work to protect the boundaries of the bubble and keep both worlds consistent, but the resulting autonomy and reduction in development friction is a first bold step toward a modernized future architecture.

发布于 : Nov 30, 2017

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