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Bug bounties

更新于 : Nov 07, 2016
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Nov 2016
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The use of bug bounties continues to grow in popularity for many organizations, including enterprises and notable government bodies. A bug-bounty program encourages participants to identify potentially damaging vulnerabilities in return for reward or recognition. Companies like HackerOne and Bugcrowd offer services to help organizations manage this process more easily, and we're seeing these services gather adoption.

Apr 2016
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Nov 2015
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More and more organizations are starting to use bug bounties to encourage reporting of what are often security-related bugs, and in general help improve the quality of their software. To support these programs, companies like HackerOne and BugCrowd can help organizations manage this process more easily. We have limited experience with these offerings ourselves, but we like the idea of encouraging people to help come forward and highlight what can often be damaging vulnerabilities in an open and transparent way. It's worth noting that there might be some legal issues with encouraging users to find vulnerabilities in your software, so please do check that out first.

发布于 : Nov 10, 2015

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