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更新于 : May 19, 2020
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May 2020
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奇怪的是,有了十多年的云迁移行业经验之后,我们仍然认为有必要呼吁大家警惕 云平移 。因为它只将云视为托管的解决方案,并且在云上直接简单复制现有的架构、安全实践和IT运营模式。这种方式并未意识到云在敏捷性和数字创新方面的优势。云迁移需要有意地跨多个轴向云原生状态转变,并且根据独特的迁移环境,每个组织最终的结果可能会处于从云平移到云原生迁移这样一个波谱中的某个位置。例如,系统架构作为交付敏捷性的支柱之一,我们通常需要对其进行修改。简单地将现有系统平移为容器具有很强的诱惑性。尽管此策略可以加快云迁移的速度,但在创建敏捷性以及交付功能和价值方面却存在不足。云上的企业安全与传统的通过防火墙和分区的基于边界的安全从根本上是不同的,它需要企业迈向零信任架构。同时,它还需要IT运营模式的改革,以便于通过自助式的自动化平台安全地提供云服务,使团队能够承担更多的运营责任并获得自治权。最后,组织必须建立起能支撑持续变化的基础,例如同样迁移为应用和基础设施进行持续测试而创建的的流水线。这些将有助于迁移过程,并最终构建一个更健壮和完善的系统,同时也为组织提供了持续演进和改进自身系统的方式。

Nov 2016
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As more organizations are choosing to deploy applications in the cloud, we're regularly finding IT groups that are wastefully trying to replicate their existing data center management and security approaches in the cloud. This often comes in the form of firewalls, load balancers, network proxies, access control, security appliances and services that are extended into the cloud with minimal rethinking. We've seen organizations build their own orchestration APIs in front of the cloud providers to constrain the services that can be utilized by teams. In most cases these layers serve only to cripple the capability, taking away most of the intended benefits of moving to the cloud. In this edition of the Radar, we've chosen to rehighlight cloud lift and shift as a technique to avoid. Organizations should instead look more deeply at the intent of their existing security and operational controls, and look for alternative controls that work in the cloud without creating unnecessary constraints. Many of those controls will already exist for mature cloud providers, and teams that adopt the cloud can use native APIs for self-serve provisioning and operations.

Jan 2015
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As cloud adoption grows we are unfortunately seeing a trend to treat the cloud as just another hosting provider. Cloud lift and shift is unfortunately being encouraged by large vendors re-branding existing hosting offerings as "cloud." Few of these offer any real flexibility or pay-as-you-use pricing. If you think you can move to the cloud without re-architecting, you are probably not doing it right.

Jul 2014
Hold ?
As cloud adoption grows we are unfortunately seeing a trend to treat the cloud as just another hosting provider. Cloud lift and shift is unfortunately being encouraged by large vendors re-branding existing hosting offerings as "cloud." Few of these offer any real flexibility or pay-as-you-use pricing. If you think you can move to the cloud without re-architecting, you are probably not doing it right.
Jan 2014
Hold ?
发布于 : Jan 28, 2014

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