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Event streaming as the source of truth

更新于 : May 15, 2018
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May 2018
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As event streaming platforms, such as Apache Kafka, rise in popularity, many consider them as an advanced form of message queuing, used solely to transmit events. Even when used in this way, event streaming has its benefits over traditional message queuing. However, we're more interested in how people use event streaming as the source of truth with platforms (Kafka in particular) as the primary store for data as immutable events. A service with an Event Sourcing design, for example, can use Kafka as its event store; those events are then available for other services to consume. This technique has the potential to reduce duplicating efforts between local persistence and integration.

Nov 2017
Assess ?

As event streaming platforms, such as Apache Kafka, rise in popularity, many consider them as an advanced form of message queuing, used solely to transmit events. Even when used in this way, event streaming has its benefits over traditional message queuing. However, we're more interested in how people use event streaming as the source of truth with platforms (Kafka in particular) as the primary store for data as immutable events. A service with an Event Sourcing design, for example, can use Kafka as its event store; those events are then available for other services to consume. This technique has the potential to reduce duplicating efforts between local persistence and integration.

发布于 : Nov 30, 2017

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