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更新于 : Apr 05, 2016
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Apr 2016
Trial ?

Flux is an application architecture introduced by Facebook. Usually mentioned in conjunction with React.js , Flux is based on a one-way flow of data up through the rendering pipeline. Flux embraces the modern web landscape of client-side JavaScript applications in a way that avoids the venerable MV* clichés. ThoughtWorks teams are now starting to gain some experience with this architectural style and find that it meshes well with service orientation and solves some of the problems inherent in two-way data binding.

Nov 2015
Trial ?
May 2015
Assess ?

Flux is an application architecture that Facebook has adopted for its web application development. Usually mentioned in conjunction with react.js , Flux is based on a one-way flow of data up through the rendering pipeline triggered by users or other external events modifying data stores. It’s been a while since we’ve seen any alternatives to the venerable model-view-* architectures and Flux embraces the modern web landscape of client-side JavaScript applications talking to multiple back-end services.

发布于 : May 05, 2015

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