更新于 : Jan 28, 2015
Jan 2015
In the last radar we talked about Capturing Explicit Domain Events, putting emphasis on recording the business-meaningful events that have triggered state transitions instead of just CRUD'ing entities. REST interfaces commonly use PUT to update resource state, however it's often better to POST to record a new event resource which captures intent. REST without PUT has a side-benefit of separating command and query interfaces and forces consumers to allow for eventual consistency.
Jul 2014
In the last radar we talked about Capturing Explicit Domain Events, putting emphasis on recording the business-meaningful events that have triggered state transitions instead of just CRUD'ing entities. REST interfaces commonly use PUT to update resource state, however it's often better to POST to record a new event resource which captures intent. REST without PUT has a side-benefit of separating command and query interfaces and forces consumers to allow for eventual consistency.
发布于 : Jul 08, 2014