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Spec-based codegen

更新于 : Nov 30, 2017
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Nov 2017
Hold ?

Back in the days when SOAP held sway in the enterprise software industry, the practice of generating client code from WSDL specs was an accepted—even encouraged—practice. Unfortunately, the resulting code was often complex, untestable, difficult to modify and frequently didn't work across implementation platforms. With the advent of REST, we found it better to evolve API clients that use the tolerant reader pattern for extracting and processing only the fields needed. Recently we have observed a disturbing return to old habits with developers generating code from API specifications written in Swagger or RAML—a practice that we refer to as spec-based codegen. Although such tools are very useful for driving the design of APIs and for extracting documentation, we caution against the tempting shortcut of simply generating client code directly from these specifications. The chances are that such code will be difficult to test and maintain.

Mar 2017
Hold ?

Back in the days when SOAP held sway in the enterprise software industry, the practice of generating client code from WSDL specs was an accepted—even encouraged—practice. Unfortunately, the resulting code was often complex, untestable, difficult to modify and frequently didn't work across implementation platforms. With the advent of REST, we found it better to evolve API clients that use the tolerant reader pattern for extracting and processing only the fields needed. Recently we have observed a disturbing return to old habits with developers generating code from API specifications written in Swagger or RAML—a practice that we refer to as spec-based codegen. Although such tools are very useful for driving the design of APIs and for extracting documentation, we caution against the tempting shortcut of simply generating client code directly from these specifications. The chances are that such code will be difficult to test and maintain.

发布于 : Mar 29, 2017

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