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更新于 : Oct 28, 2020
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Oct 2020
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Bitrise,一款用于移动应用的领域特定 CD 工具,仍然是移动开发工作流中很有用的一部分。每个团队都应该去使用它。Bitrise 能够构建,测试和部署移动应用,从开发者的笔记本电脑一直到应用商店的发布。它易于配置,并提供了一整套预构建的步骤,来满足大多数移动开发的需要。

Nov 2019
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Nov 2018
评估 ?

Building, testing and deploying mobile applications entails a number of complex steps, especially when we consider a pipeline from source code repositories to app stores. All these steps can be automated with scripts and build pipelines in generic CI/CD tools. However, for teams that focus on mobile development, and have little or no requirement to integrate with build pipelines for back-end systems, a domain-specific tool can reduce the complexity and maintenance overhead. Bitrise is easy to set up and provides a comprehensive set of prebuilt steps for most mobile development needs.

发布于 : Nov 14, 2018

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