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更新于 : Mar 29, 2017
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Mar 2017
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One of those perpetual developer debates involves language typing: How much is just right? Clojure, the dynamically typed functional Lisp on the JVM, added a new entry into this discussion that blurs the lines. Clojure.spec is a new facility built into Clojure that allows developers to wrap type and other verification criteria around data structures, such as allowable value ranges. Once they are established, Clojure uses these specifications to provide a slew of benefits: generated tests, validation, destructuring of data structures and others. Clojure.spec is a promising way to have the benefits of types and ranges where developers need them but not everywhere.

Nov 2016
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One of those perpetual developer debates involves language typing: How much is just right? Clojure, the dynamically typed functional Lisp on the JVM, added a new entry into this discussion that blurs the lines. Clojure.spec is a new facility built into Clojure that allows developers to wrap type and other verification criteria around data structures, such as allowable value ranges. Once they are established, Clojure uses these specifications to provide a slew of benefits: generated tests, validation, destructuring of data structures and others. Clojure.spec is a promising way to have the benefits of types and ranges where developers need them but not everywhere.

发布于 : Nov 07, 2016

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