在所有帮助保持依赖更新的可选工具中,Dependabot 一直是我们认为可靠的默认选择。Dependabot 跟GitHub 的集成平滑,并能自动发送你的pull request,更新依赖到最新的版本。它能在整个组织级别启动,这样所有团队接收到这些 pull request 要容易得多。即便你没有在使用 GitHub,也仍然可以在构建流水线中使用 Dependabot库。如果选择替代品,你可以考虑 Renovate,它支持更多的服务,包括 GitLab,Bitbucket 以及 Azure DevOps。
Keeping dependencies up to date is a chore, but it's important to manage upgrades frequently and incrementally. We want the process to be as painless and automated as possible. Our teams have often hand-rolled scripts to automate parts of the process; now, however, we integrate commercial offerings to do that work. Dependabot is a service that integrates with your GitHub repositories and automatically checks your project dependencies for new versions. When required, Dependabot will open a pull request with upgraded dependencies. Using features of your CI server, you can automatically test upgrades for compatibility and automatically merge compatible upgrades to master. There are alternatives to Dependabot, including Renovate for JavaScript projects and Depfu for JavaScript and Ruby projects. Our teams, however, recommend Dependabot because of its multilanguage support and ease of use.