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更新于 : Mar 16, 2012
这一条目不在当前版本的技术雷达中。如果它出现在最近几期中,那么它很有可能仍然具有相关参考价值。如果这一条目出现在更早的雷达中,那么它很有可能已经不再具有相关性,我们的评估将不再适用于当下。很遗憾我们没有足够的带宽来持续评估以往的雷达内容。 了解更多
Mar 2012
Adopt ?
Starting from a challenge posed to the Linux community to stop using commercial version control, Git has proved itself. Git embodies a well architected, high performance implementation of distributed version control. Git is powerful, so it should be used with respect, but that power enables agile engineering workflows that simply cannot exist with other tools. Git’s popularity is supported by the existence of GitHub. GitHub combines public and private Git repositories, social networking, and a host of other innovative tools and approaches.
Jul 2011
Adopt ?
Jan 2011
Trial ?
In previous radars we recommended Distributed Version Control (DVCS) tools in general while mentioning Git and Mercurial in particular. In this edition we narrow our recommendation to only Mercurial and Git as these two have become the clear front-runners. Due to its success and the associated network effect GitHub remains the recommended option for enterprises that want to interact with the open source community.
Aug 2010
Trial ?
发布于 : Aug 31, 2010

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