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Oct 2021
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gopass 是一个基于 GPG 和 Git 的团队密码管理器。它以 pass 为基础 ,并添加了多项功能,包括交互式搜索和单个树中的多密码存储。自提到 gopass 以来,我们已经在多个项目中使用它,有时甚至超出了它的极限。我们非常期待的一个功能是弃用保密信息的能力。可发现性是已知问题,但无法将保密信息标记为不再使用让这个问题变得更加复杂。不过,最大的问题是伸缩性。当你有 50 多人的团队多年使用同一个存储库时,我们发现存储库的大小可能会增长到数 GB。在新成员入职时重新加密可能需要半个多小时。潜在的问题似乎是,在我们的团队中,一切都在不断变化:人来人往,密钥转手,架构不断发展,添加新密钥,不再需要旧密钥。当变化较少时,即使对于大量用户,gopass 似乎能很好地工作。

May 2018
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gopass is a password management solution for teams, built on GPG and Git. It's a descendant of pass and adds features such as: support for recipient management and multiple password stores in a single tree; an interactive search functionality; time-based one-time password (TOTP) support; and storage of binary data. Migration of your pass store is fairly straightforward, because gopass is largely compatible with the format pass uses. This also means integration into provisioning workflows can be achieved with a single call to a stored secret.

Nov 2017
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gopass is a password management solution for teams, built on GPG and Git. It's a descendant of pass and adds features such as: support for recipient management and multiple password stores in a single tree; an interactive search functionality; time-based one-time password (TOTP) support; and storage of binary data. Migration of your pass store is fairly straightforward, because gopass is largely compatible with the format pass uses. This also means integration into provisioning workflows can be achieved with a single call to a stored secret.

发布于 : Nov 30, 2017

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