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发布于 : Nov 14, 2018
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Nov 2018
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Heptio Ark is a tool for managing disaster recovery for Kubernetes clusters and persistent volumes. Ark is easy to use and configure and lets you back up and restore your clusters through a series of checkpoints. With Ark you can significantly reduce recovery time in case of an infrastructure failure, easily migrate Kubernetes resources from one cluster to another and replicate the production environment for testing and troubleshooting. Ark supports key backup storage providers (including AWS, Azure and Google Cloud) and, as of version 0.6.0, a plugin system that adds compatibility for additional backup and volume storage platforms. Managed Kubernetes environments, such as GKE, provide these services out of the box. However, if you're operating Kubernetes either on premise or in the cloud, take a closer look at Heptio Ark for disaster recovery.

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